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Found 49153 results for any of the keywords whole genome sequencing. Time 0.010 seconds.
Innovative Bacterial Whole Genome Sequencing | CosmosIDEnd-to-end whole genome bacterial sequencing (WGS) and analysis of microbial isolates. Request a detailed quote here. Advanced precision research.
ViaCord Trusted Cord Blood Tissue BankingViaCord empowers families to plan for a healthier future with trusted cord blood banking and cord tissue banking for newborns and genetic testing options for both newborns and adults.
CD Genomics - Genomics Services for Exome Sequencing, rna seq, HLA TypCD Genomics provides next generation sequencing, genotypingand microarray services to phamaceutical and biotech companies, as well as academia and government agencies.
Tools Resources - Child Neurology FoundationStart typing and press Enter to search
News & Updates | Upcoming Events | Bioinformatics Workshop| Training|IKnow the latest news and updates from ArrayGen on Bioinformatics Services, Next generation sequencing data analysis, microarray.
Pharmacodynamic Biomarker Testing - AlmacAlmac can help Biopharma clients validate reliable Pharmacodynamic (PD) assays that can help provide invaluable guidance within their drug development programmes.
Clinical Trial Assay - AlmacClinical Trial Assay Development - Extensive expertise in the development of CLIA validated clinical trial assays. Find out more.
Emerging Infectious Diseases - CDCEmerging Infectious Diseases is a peer-reviewed, monthly journal published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It offers global health professionals the latest scientific information on emerging infe
Diagnostic Services - AlmacAlmac Diagnostics Services- A stratified medicine company specialising in biomarker driven clinical trials. Experience spanning oncology, immunology, CNS and infective diseases.
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